The philosophy of computer Science is geared towards meeting the requirements of effective national manpower development and high quality self-fulfillment which is refined with the word of God. It is designed towards the in-depth acquisition of the right type of skills, scientific knowledge, competence and norms in both the theoretical and experimental aspects, to ensure that the products of the programme are capable of making meaningful contribution towards the realization of the national dream of sound scientific base for the technological and industrial advancement which furthers the Benson Idahosa University’s vision of raising academics, professionals and entrepreneurs, who will be effective disciples for Christ by excelling in their professional fields.



  1. To produce single honours graduates of Computer Science who can work productively in supervisory/advisory capacities in industries and other sectors of the economy considered relevant to the national manpower requirements, needs and concerns. Accordingly, the programme leans towards Information and Communication Technology application with relevance in its global requirements.
  2. To provide students with the knowledge and skills in computer ccience needed for their postgraduate education pursuits.
  3. To promote and encourage research in the various areas of computer science and its applications.